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With just 1 € per day you can create perspectives and thus sustainably improve the life of your sponsored child or family. 

It’s not easy to find a balance between personal relationships and anonymity, but since the protection of children and families is our top priority, we have decided to use fictional names and pictures. However, since sponsorships mainly live from mutual exchange, we enable this for you without endangering the safety of the children or families, by sending an email directly to our local partner, who will translate it into English if necessary and forward it accordingly. The answer from your sponsored child or sponsored family will be handled similar.


Please note that a sponsorship should always be long-term, not least because of the resulting emotional bond. Regardless of this, it is possible to end your sponsorship at any time and without giving a reason.

If you decide to take on a sponsorship, you have the option to apply for a special one from the sponsorships offered. Just give us a hint in the free text field of the donation form. The final binding decision will be made by the respective non-profit organization, both in this case and if you do not provide any information.

Victoria Schmid.jpg

Dear readers,

I am Christian's daughter and I will tell you a little bit about the sponsorships. I also took on a sponsorship last year and write regularly to Luiza and vice versa. I think it's great what my dad does, because I really like children, whether they are girls or boys. So I would be very happy if a couple of you might also take on a sponsorship. I can definitely give you one tip, it will be a very nice time with your godchild and I am very happy when my dad tells me that a lot of sponsorships have been taken over 😉 

Best regards,





A family with 4 children just got by with the income of their father as an educational assistant. After their 5-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a rare tumor of the nervous system ("ganglioneuroblastoma"), the family was forced to move to the countryside and take care of themselves (grow their own food, go fishing etc.) to finance the daughter's therapy somehow. After an operation on the spine to remove the tumor, the girl had to be flown from her home island to a special clinic twice a month to undergo chemotherapy. This 1-year odyssey left deep marks not only on Karley, but also on her three school-age siblings and parents, all of whom are suffering from the enormous financial burden.

Kleines Mädchen
neugierig Kind



A 14-year-old boy and his mother had to flee from New Zealand to relatives in California because the father badly mistreated them. The relatives had no place, so they moved to Hawaii to the grandfather, where they live under a sheet attached to their grandfather's shed on a coffee farm. They could only bring one suitcase with them.



A single mother who lives in the car with her daughter currently has enormous difficulties enabling her daughter to study, because like many countries around the world, the schools on Big Island have also switched to virtual teaching, which is hardly possible from the car.

Das Fahren eines Van
Blue Room



The parents of a family with three children became unemployed due to COVID-19, could no longer pay the rent and temporarily lived in their van. In the meantime, both have found work again and so the family was able to afford an apartment that is completely unfurnished.




Alani lost her home due to the lava flow in 2018 and lived in temporary accommodation for almost 3 years. Due to a disability, she cannot work regularly, but engages herself to qualify for an educational loan, thus she can go back to school and graduate. Owing to her sister's health issues, she took care of her son and will adopt him.

Lebensmittel einkaufen



A mother of two, who was abused by her now ex-husband, moved out of the women's shelter to start a new life. Because she did not get any child support from the father, she worked nearly around the clock over months to survive financially and finally managed to find a job.



A single mother with 3 little kids unsuccessfully applied for every job available because in contrast to other childless persons, she is less flexible. After that experience, she is trying very hard to start her own business.

Mutter und Sohn



A pregnant mother with an 18-month-old child left a household where both were mistreated. A little later she lost her job and her place of residence. In the meantime, she has a job again (with which she also pays for an apartment), but after the monthly payment for the day-care center there is nearly no money left for living.

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