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Rusty Campervan


Lisa was homeless until recently and is at risk of becoming homeless again sooner or later because of the circumstances that accompany her. The single mother and her two children (2 and 4 years old) currently live in Ocean View without transportation. Lisa has some psychological problems (depression, PTSD and anxiety) and the son is autistic. Due to the lack of mobility, the two have had no access to medical care for some time because they are completely isolated where they are now. Lisa makes money selling items at the market in Ocean View on the weekends. Donations are currently required to buy a vehicle. A van that costs around $ 1,500 could provide them with mobility as well as a home in the event they become homeless again. 



For many poor or homeless people, the bicycle is the only option of transportation and that is why we have set up budgets at two local bike stores, which completely cover minor repairs and wear parts for a year.

Bike Aid
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The Children’s Justice Center of West Hawaii (CJC) serves children who have been victims of violence or abuse. In collaboration with the CJC, we were able to give 50 underage children, who were removed from their own families for their protection, a little joy with vouchers from Starbucks, McDonalds and Subway.


After negotiations with the energy supplier HELCO and the presentation of a check for the one-off payment of outstanding amounts, the power supply was restored for a single mother of three children.



 When the two parents of a 13-year-old girl died unexpectedly, there was still a large remaining payment for her braces, which the aunt was unable to pay, despite taking on an additional cleaning job. We helped and the treatment plan can be continued.


After events, food is often thrown away. That's why we talked to the organizers and bought packaging material - instead of throwing away this food, it could be distributed to those in need...minimal costs, big impact!

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They were the worst forest fires in US history for at least a hundred years, which, among other things, completely destroyed the town center of Lahaina on the island of Maui. Children of families who lost everything received bicycles from aid organizations - we provided the necessary equipment, such as bicycle helmets, locks, etc., for 40 of these kids.


As in the previous year, with the help of your donation and in cooperation with the Hawaii County Police Department, we were able to support the "Shop with a Cop" program, so that 75 of the neediest children from precarious backgrounds can go shopping for $ 100 with local police officers - for many children it was the first time that they were allowed to decide for themselves 

or could even decide what to buy and simultaneously the police were also perceived very positively.


Many children depend on the lunches provided by their school to get a hot meal at least once a day. However, this option is not available on weekends. With the help of your donations, we were able to alleviate the hunger of many children for several months.



In addition to the sponsorships between families, we have implemented the idea of ​​sponsorships between "organizations". During a theme week, the kindergarten children in Germany learned a lot about Hawaii and diligently collected sponsor rounds in the therefor organized charity run... sparkling children's eyes on both sides of the Atlantic, what could be nicer!


Most children from low-income families have little opportunity to participate in sport activities because their parents cannot afford the necessary equipment, membership fees or travel to the games. Sport in general and team sport in particular is not only health-promoting but can also create a feeling of “belonging to the society”. With the help of your donations, we were able to set up a 2-year program that enables disadvantaged children under the age of 20 to take part in holiday programs and extracurricular training with the aim of being able to play in the regular league games afterwards.



Kids Matter, a friends’ association of the West Hawaiian Children's Justice Center, which cares for abused and neglected children as soon as they are taken from their families, asked for backpacks with school supplies, vouchers for McDonalds and Subway for the younger ones, and stuffed animals and toys for the younger children . With the help of your donations we were able to make 18 children a little happier.

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A 3-year-old girl suffered life-threatening injuries in a serious traffic accident. With the help of your donations, we were able to get a special therapy bike for this wonderful girl, with which she can continue the strengthening and endurance work at home, which she started in rehab. Money can buy a lot, but a child's smile and happiness are priceless!

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Quite a few children spend the whole school day on an empty stomach, because they come to class without breakfast and have no money for lunch. For this reason, many Hawaiian schools have a so-called Kōkua Closet, loosely translated, a "helping room" in which food, snacks, school materials, hygiene articles, etc. are offered free of charge. With the help of your donations we will support both the Kōkua Closet of the Kealakehe Elementary School and the Kealakehe High School for 1 year.


Due to the corona pandemic, school lessons were switched to home schooling, but many children did
not even have their own room, let alone their own workplace. Therefore, the schoolwork had to be
done on the floor, on kitchen stools or boxes. The idea of mobile compact desks was born and
implemented with local craftsmen. With the help of your donations, we were able to equip almost
100 children between the ages of six and ten with those workstations.

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The pastor of the Kosrae (Pentecostal Marshallese church) detected, that some children of the parish had insufficient school materials, which were partially carried to school with plastic bags. With the help of your donations, we could equip 18 children with a school backpack, including their favorite comic, so that they can kick-start after home schooling.


A homeless family with three kids and a pregnant mother got the chance to move to a brother on Maui and start from scratch. Together with another non-profit organization and with the help of your donations, we organized and financed the flight as well as the transport of their belongings.

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Now a new child seat ensures that this small child can safely ride in the car with his mother. 

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A computer can do so much!

There was also a thank you letter from the mother on this: "Unlimited gratitude! Keiki can now complete his 4th semester assignments so he can get his high school diploma and his seminary diploma at Church! As a mother, I am infinitely grateful for the great support my son has received."


Sometimes the simplest things are lacking. In the case, it was slippers needed at Kealakehe Elementary School, which could be equipped with 45 pairs. 



Through a generous donation, it was possible to purchase bicycles, appropriate lighting, water bottles and bicycle helmets for some of the children at Kealakehe Intermediate School.

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